Gesellschaft mbH


XML in der betrieblichen Praxis
Authors: Klaus Turowski, Klement J. Fellner (editors)
Publisher: dpunkt.verlag
Printed: January 2001
ISBN: 3-932588-91-6

Chapter 6 - XML zur Definition von Fachkomponenten im WWW
A. Heberle, B. Onasch, J. Rehse, B. Sieling
Series of lectures of the CCCS
"History of operating systems"
as part of the series of lectures of the CCC Stuttgart
Author and contributor: Bernd Onasch
Lecture date: Sept. 14th 2006
Download: Lecture as PDF
FrOSCon 2015
"Minix 3: Going from educational showcase to day-to-day productive use"
Authors: Ralf Neeb & Bernd Onasch
Conference date: 22.08.2015
Download: Presentation as PDF
MINIXCon 2016
"Design Patterns for Modular Services, Drivers and Userland"
Author: Bernd Onasch
Conference date: 01.02.2016
Download: Presentation as PDF